When it comes to living a balanced life we all struggle. There are days when it seems like the best-laid plans go awry. We set out to be productive in one area but along comes this other thing that knocks our daily goal out of the boat. So how do we recover from this imbalance in our day? How do we maintain balance when there has been a life-changing event? What does it take to get back in harmony with our workflow? These are questions that can help us learn how to navigate through the seemingly unbalanced times in life and find a balanced faith-filled life.

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First, we must realize that we will have these moments in life. God’s word talks about the struggles and trials we will face. It doesn’t say “IF” we face them… it plainly says “WHEN.” One of the best scriptures that enforces this is found in James chapter 1.
My brothers and sisters, be very happy when you are tested in different ways. You know that such testing of your faith produces endurance. Endure until your testing is over. Then you will be mature and complete, and you won’t need anything. – James 1:2-4, GW
Once we realize that life is not going to be experienced in the perfect manner that is sometimes portrayed in the movies, it makes it easier to understand how to create balance. This means that we have to surrender our thought process to the idea that God is going to stay true to His promise. And trust that He will be with us through the hard times. This means vulnerability. This means learning how to transform the way we think. The simplest way to say this is we must trust God to be faithful!
Ah… trust. That all too familiar word means we have to let go of the reins and rest in the hope that God knows what He is doing. It means that we have to step aside quietly. I know, I know… what kind of tomfoolery am I speaking when it comes to letting go of the control we think we have? Well Friend, I kid you not… we have to let go of control in order to fully trust that even when we are facing the hard times God will get us through them.
Trusting means we let go of the things that we most assuredly cannot control, such as the behavior of others or when the cold hits the household. Trying to control these types of things just leads to a space of anxiety and chaos.
Friend… there is hope! Just like the pages of Bible tells us that we will face tribulations it also has many instances of hope. Hope is intertwined with faith all throughout the Bible. Regardless of what we may face, there is always hope.
In my life I have faced many situations that seemed hopeless when I looked at them through the lens of the world. But as I turned to God’s word He showed me a strand of hope for every situation. From facing breast cancer twice to losing my oldest son, God was faithful to give me a strand of hope that would hold me during those hard times.
Maintaining a balanced faith-filled life is not a process of trying to make God fit into your life. A healthy balanced faith-filled life is created when you follow God’s will as you navigate life in this chaotic world. It doesn’t mean that you should compromise your faith to maintain balance or have hard rituals of spending time with God and His word. It is simply applying the precepts of God’s word to your life in order to create a balanced life with Him and through Him.
Even though we are all different, learning to live a balanced faith-filled life is a process that we all follow. The first thing that we must establish is what we consider the center of our life. Once we know this, we can begin balancing the rest of our life.
For example, the center of something that needs balance is usually called a hub. It is the focal point of the area. A wheel, a fan, an airport, and a computer network, all use hubs to keep balance. From this center point, we have spokes or terminals that lead to other areas. To maintain balance we must be sure that each spoke or terminal is properly connected to the hub.
The hub is what we build our life around. Whether it is work, family, or Christ, we all have a central point in our lives that we use to maintain balance. If our hub is strong our terminals and spokes are strong. If they are weak then we are subjected to a broken area which leads to an imbalance. For example, if a fan blade is cracked or missing then the fan will not produce the air flow it should and it will probably make a horrible sound as the other blades wobble. The weight of the blades is not evenly placed on the hub of the fan and this causes an unbalanced spin.
Our lives can be out of balance when we do not have Christ in the center. Christ is the only way to have a strong hub that will withstand the chaos of this world. He is the only one with that type of strength and steadfastness. When we have anything other than Him at the center there is a high chance of imbalance taking place. Our kids will grow up and move away, our spouses may leave or pass away, and our jobs may change at any moment. These are the instances that will lead to imbalance when we don’t have Christ at the center of our lives.
Maintaining balance starts with securing the hub. This means that you decide to build your life around a solid hub that will not change… Jesus! Once you have established that before anything else, you will keep this hub in the center of your life you can begin maintaining balance.
Here are 5 tips to help you with a balanced faith-filled life:
- One of the most important things to start this balanced faith-filled life is to understand that it is a lifestyle. Faith is not just something that we have it is how we live. It is living with the purpose of trusting God to fulfill His promises. It is being obedient in doing the things that He has asked of us. Even though it is a choice, to have balance it is a must. Ephesians 2:10
- Take time to meet with Jesus daily. Spend time in God’s word and transform you mind to think of the goodness of His love and grace. There are several ways to engage in quiet time. Here is a list of a few resources that I have used throughout the years. Joshua 1:8 (some of these are affiliate links)
- Dwell Bible App
- Jesus Calling Devotional by Sarah Young
- Daily Wisdom from the Bible by Dan and Nancy Dick
- Thrive Journaling Bible contains daily devotionals to read as you study God’s Word.
- Behold: A Study of the New Testament by Daily Grace Co.
- Bible Project at https://bibleproject.com
- Bible Recap at https://www.thebiblerecap.com and you can get the book here.
- Take care of your body through healthy eating and exercising. This doesn’t have to look like going to the gym every day or cutting out all the “sweet” stuff. But it does look like choosing healthy foods and indulging in the cookies and cakes in moderation. Fifteen to thirty minutes of activity or exercise a day will help you stay healthy. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
- When you are at work be present and purposeful as if you are working next to Jesus. 2 Timothy 2:15-16.
- Seek to become a part of the local church. When you engage with others in meeting together to worship and learn of His goodness, you can grow in instruction, accountability, and fellowship. Titus 2
Living a balanced faith-filled life doesn’t have to be complex. It is as simple as making time each day to reflect on what God desires for you and following through with your daily walk with Him.
A good rule of thumb for me is to take inventory of what may be happening. I do this by asking the following questions:
- Will this change what God wants me to do today?
- Is this something that I need to be a part of for the sake of friends or family?
- Is it something that I can take care of with God’s help?
- How will this affect me?
- If it is something you cannot control and it does not affect you or what God has for you, then it could be wise to follow up with prayer and seek how God is leading you to resolve the issue.
What can you do today to get your life in balance with Jesus as the hub?

If you would like a copy of my first devotional, Strands of Hope: A 45-Day Devotional you can grab your copy on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble.
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