Peace and Life

The birth of a child is usually a time filled with chatter, excitement, and happy chaos. People are chattering and cooing over a sweet baby. It’s normal for the event to be surrounded by loud conversations.
However, when we read about the birth of Jesus, we don’t read about all of that chaos. We read about the star shining bright and angels singing and praising the sweet boy. There were kings traveling from afar and shepherds looking for that sweet baby in a manger.
Reading more of the story about the birth of Christ, we can see how even with His first breath, Jesus was promising us that He would always bring us peace. No matter where we are, His true promise of peace always proceeds in His presence. In the Old Testament book of Isaiah, we are given an insight as to this sweet baby that will be our Savior. He will be our Prince of Peace.
For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the government will be on his shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6, CSB.
The month of December is full of happy chaos. People want to find the greatest gifts for their family and friends. Families creating plans for get-togethers and Christmas holiday weekends. Happy chatter about places to visit and meals to plan. All of this chaos is created so that there would be a celebration of family and Jesus.
The Peace of The Manger
On the night of the birth of our Savior, there was no place of comfort available for His parents to stay. No room in a house or inn. Just a cold manger in a drafty stable. In a stall surrounded by animals, our Redeemer took His first breath. At the same time, we gained a peace that would go beyond any understanding that we think we have.
The manger was the most unexpected place that Mary and Joseph would have dreamed of having a baby. They had no idea that the Prince of Peace would make His arrival when there was no place worthy of a King’s birth. But God knew. God had already planned the birth and the place. This was no surprise for the Father of the Savior.
Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: See, the virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14, CSB
The Hebrew meaning of the name Immanuel is “God with us.” He promised to always be with us even as a baby in a manger. This is the peace of the manger. A peace that says “I am here with you always.” There is no peace that we will ever experience that can bring calmness in the midst of chaos. It is a peace that heals the broken heart and saturates the hopeless.
The Bread of Life
The manger of Biblical times was designed to be used as a feeding trough. The hay was placed in the manger and the animals would come and feed. Isn’t it just like God to give us another sign of just exactly who Jesus would become? He would become the bread of life for us. How fitting that He would be placed in a manger as an innocent baby only to grow up and become an innocent Savior on a cross.
Knowing that Christ had come to be the manna for our hungry souls brings a new perspective about the Prince of Peace that would be placed in a manger as the star shone brightly in the sky. There is no other way the birth of Christ would have been significant. From the lowly birth in a stable to the lowly death on a cross, Jesus cried His first cry and His last cry so that we would know the peace of His life.
The Gift of the Manger
This season isn’t about the gifts that we give or receive. It is about the gift that Jesus gives. A gift that cannot be surpassed nor bought. He purchased this gift with His first and last breath. There is no way we could ever repay that cost….. except to love others. To share with others His goodness and mercy is the only way we can ever give the most precious gift.
As you seek to find the perfect gift for your loved ones, remember it’s already been given. Take time to share that love and peace as you gather in celebration of the birth of the Prince of Peace.
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