It’s Okay Momma
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You have watched your son or daughter grow up and now… you are watching them experience the end of one journey and the beginning of another. It’s okay Momma… you are not alone!!

Whether it is grade school, high school, or college you are watching with tears, fears, joy, and excitement as your child walks across a stage in a rite of passage ceremony. Leaving one season of life and entering another. These are the moments that Moms beam with pride and tremor with fear at the same time.
It’s okay are doing great!
You have led them through the homework and activities that built character and relationships. You have cheered them from the highest bleachers inside and out. When they brought home friends for dinner without notice, you raced to be sure that there would be enough food for everyone. These are the things you do as a mom..without question.
We ask ourselves how do we know we are doing things right? There are no books. No one can tell us the right way because every child is different. We can listen to the advice of others and try to apply techniques, but honestly, we never know what will stick and what will be found in the closet. We don’t have to get it perfect….we just have to attempt to teach them the good and pure things of God.
One of the hardest tasks we have is to be a parent. It is not defined by being good at one thing. For instance, lawyers are good at litigation and accountants are good at keeping books balanced. Parenting.. is a whole area of everything. Parents litigate, balance budgets, meet schedules, create meals, tutor, assist with needs, and provide counsel. There are at least 7 different job titles grouped into one. That is a lot to manage.
Parents choose to do these things. Not because it brings them a higher social standing or a six-figure income, but because they choose it so they can experience the joy of children. They want to know what it is to watch a little person grow into an adult. It is about the love they want to share.
It’s okay Momma… they haven’t forgotten you!
When our children reach adulthood and they no longer depend on us every day we can feel forgotten. We begin to think that they are mad or just downright do not want anything to do with us. That is not the case. The fact that they are not at your doorstep every day is a good thing. It means they are doing their thing learning how to adult and make a life of their own. This means that you have given them the skills to problem solve and be productive.
It seems that the worry doesn’t decrease as they become adults. Quite the contrary. The worry seems to creep in more because you don’t see them every day. You don’t know what they have planned for the day or if they need help with something. This makes a Momma’s heart a little tense. You just want to know that they are okay and they aren’t upset or hurt. After all, that is what you have done for the last 18-20 years.
It’s okay Momma… trust God just like you did when they were babies!

God is the one with the best parenting skills! I mean look at all the children He watches over and helps when they have decided to try things their way. He knows exactly what each of them needs. God knows their gifts and talents and He even knows when and where they will use them. He has children of all ages with different behaviors and ideas. He can handle it all.
The best thing we can do for our children is to follow the sound advice of God’s instruction. He has given it to us for a reason…so that we won’t be consumed with worry and fear. For everything our child will experience there is Godly advice available.
Here are a few areas and scriptures that you can use as you help your child navigate the various areas of life:
- When they need comfort — Psalm 147:3, Job 12:10, Romans 8:28
- When they are anxious — John 14:27, Philippians 4:6-7, Isaiah 26:4, Proverbs 3:5-6
- When they need strength — 2 Timothy 1:7, Psalm 56:3, Joshua 1:8, 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
- When they need wisdom — Proverbs 24:3-4, James 1:5, Colossians 2:3, Luke 7:35
Just remember Momma….You are not raising these babies, kiddos, and semi-adults alone!
God is going to be right there with you every step of the way. It just takes a willingness to be patient as you listen for God’s direction. His word never returns void (Isaiah 55:11) and His love never fails (Lamentations 3:22).
It’s okay Momma… take time and enjoy the celebration of your graduate!!
Making memories is all about being present in the moment. Sometimes we get too caught up in the moment that we forget to snap the photos. If possible, delegate this to someone who will capture those moments for you.
Once the moments have been captured you can choose a couple of ways to display these memories. Whether it is in a traditional photo frame collage or a digital slideshow frame, you can display these moments for years to come.
Digital frames:
KODAK WiFi Digital Picture Frame
Collage photo frames:
Maldon 4-Opening Collage Frame
SONGMICS Collage Picture Frames
Photo Albums:
Large Photo Album – self-adhesive
Ywlake Photo Album – pockets
potricher Photo Album – pockets
Enjoy the season you are in Momma..there are more to come!!!!
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