Understanding the Lifestyle of Salvation
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As we come upon the holiday season we begin to reflect on the year. We think about the good things we experienced and the hard things we want to forget. Our thoughts begin to revolve around what is important during this season.
If you are like me you are ready to enjoy family time. You are mentally preparing a menu that you know everyone will enjoy. It’s time to start thinking about gifts for those you love. I have a list of likes for my family in my mind. These are the things that we love to do during the last two months of the year.
This year I have been thinking about things a bit differently. I am learning what it is to know a redeemed life.
What can I do to fully walk in this lifestyle of sanctified redemption?
It has been a tough year for my family and I am ready to step up out of the ashes and see the beauty that surrounds me. I am ready to see where this direction of my life is going to go. It’s time to rise.
A few months ago I sat down with God and I let all of the emotions just pour onto the floor. I wanted to walk in this calling that He had shown me in 2006. I am tired of excuses and I had grown weary of chasing those things that I thought would prepare me. The reality is…… God prepared me. He has and He will prepare me as long as I follow Him.
That looks like it is easy. As I read those words I remember how easy I thought it would be.
UUUUmmm.. Nope! The choice to follow God’s will for my life was easy. The doing it … not so easy!
That is when He began to talk to me about redemption and all the goodness that comes with it. There is more to redemption than just words spoken. So much more is going on other than setting a cornerstone of faith. It is a daily choice.
It is the choice to remove myself from the possibility of causing someone to doubt God’s word.
It is the choice to learn to speak life in all situations… I really have gotten better at this.
It is the choice to seek the will of God daily…. No matter what others may say.
Don’t be afraid, because I am with you. Don’t be intimidated; I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will support you with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10, GWT
1. Understand the Definition of Redemption
This word is one that carries so much emotion and depth. It’s not just a simple definition from the Bible. It is an action that was completed by a man who did not have to suffer so that I may partake in redemption.
The world sees redemption as the payment for the repurchase of goods or prisoners from captors. It is the way the world understands the liberation of things.
We as Christians see redemption as this beautiful act of love. An act carried out by one man for no other reason than love. To us, it is the payment given so that we may be brought out of the bondage of sin into right standing with the Father.
Through the blood of his Son, we are set free from our sins. God forgives our failures because of his overflowing kindness. He poured out his kindness by giving us every kind of wisdom and insight when he revealed the mystery of his plan to us. He had decided to do this through Christ. Ephesians 1:7-9, GWT
2. Know the Promise of Redemption
The beautiful thing about redemption is the promise that it carries. The promise of hope and life. A promise of help in time of need and unending love. It is a promise that no matter what, there is something beautiful in anything that is hard.
The promise of redemption says that because of grace we are saved. It is this salvation that makes us able to press forward in this calling that God gives each of us.
He used his own blood, not the blood of goats and bulls, for the sacrifice. He went into the most holy place and offered this sacrifice once and for all to free us forever.
Hebrews 9:12, GWT
3. Seek the Giver of Redemption
What a selfless act of love. Giving up life so that I can be brought into a relationship with the Father. Better yet, giving up a son so that I may know the love of the Father.
That is what God did for us. Not just me, but you too!
He brought His Son who knew no sin, into a hateful and sinful world. He did this out of love. So that we may be redeemed from our yuck and brought to His holiness.
God is the giver of redemption. It was His plan to send the Redeemer. It is our choice to accept the forgiveness and redemption that has been offered to us through Christ our Redeemer.
God has shown us his love by sending his only Son into the world so that we could have life through him. This is love: not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the payment for our sins. 1 John 4:9-10, GWT
4. Choosing the Life of Redemption
Knowing that I will never do anything that can “pay” the price for my redemption is humbling. It makes me realize how far the love of God reaches. I will never be able to repay the price that Christ paid for my redemption.
It is a daily walk with Him as my Redeemer. It is the act of choosing gratitude each day.
You and I have the choice to accept the forgiveness offered on the Cross. We can accept Jesus as our Savior and Redeemer and begin to live a life of redemption. God didn’t make any mistakes about the offering of atonement for our sins.
If you declare that Jesus is Lord, and believe that God brought him back to life, you will be saved. By believing you receive God’s approval, and by declaring your faith you are saved. Romans 10:9-10, GWT
Learning what part redemption plays in our life begins with understanding how we build faith. Much like building a home in the older days, we start with a Cornerstone. The best place to start is by diving into the Bible and reading what God has to say about redemption and salvation.

I recommend a Bible that you feel comfortable reading. Choosing one that has margin notes and a devotional plan can help you set up a routine for reading your Bible. I find that the She Reads Truth Bible and the inCourage Bible are two that are great for those who are just getting into a routine of reading their Bible.
For those who are looking to expand their Bible library, I suggest adding a NET Full Notes Edition Bible or a Holy Land Illustrated Bible. These are great resources to have on hand as you dig deeper into God’s Word.
Look for the Cornerstone study coming in February 2023!
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