Being Thankful for All of His Provisions

As we continue our season of gratitude we come to provisions. We may think that what we do to provide for our families is not worthy of gratitude. On the contrary, we should be so grateful to be able to do such things. God always provides for us. Sometimes it’s through our ability to use the skills that He gave us.
We know that in the world we must work. We need the finances to obtain groceries and have a home. To get to work we must either have a vehicle or be able to pay for transportation. Everything we do requires some sort of financial backing.
Since we need a job, it is only proper to be grateful for one that will allow us to purchase what we need. Even though we may not enjoy every aspect of the job, we should still be thankful that we have the wisdom and knowledge needed to maintain our ability to work.
What Does God’s Word Say About Working?
Just as with everything else God wants us to have the best job for us. We are each created with skills and talents. These skills help us find a job that will allow us the opportunity to have an income.
God doesn’t tell us that we are to just sit back and not do anything to receive provisions. Although He has been known to supply the needs when we least expect it, He expects us to work. There are many areas in the Bible that mention working and how we should provide for our family.
The first indication that work is necessary is in Genesis. This is where we learn about creation and how God worked for six days before resting on the seventh.
On the seventh day God had completed his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. Genesis 2:2, CSB
Work is mentioned in the 10 Commandments so it must be something that God knows we must do. If He wants us to rest then He knows that we must work in order to have the finances needed to create a stable and productive lifestyle.
For six days work is to be done, but on the seventh day you are to have a holy day, a Sabbath of complete rest to the LORD. Anyone who does work on it must be executed. Exodus 35:2, CSB
Throughout the Word, we read about people working. Some were given skills so that they would be able to help construct the Tabernacle. Others were skilled at farming and harvesting. No matter where we look, we find that we are responsible for working in order to provide. If it is in God’s word then it is worth noting. Working is a blessing! We just forget to see it that way because we aren’t always happy about it.
God’s Provisions Are Different
Now that we have discussed the provisions that we are responsible for in our lives, let’s talk about some of the wonderful provisions only God can bring to us.
Whaaattt??? Do you mean there are other provisions???
These are the things that no matter how hard we work, we won’t be able to provide them. That is because they are not based on work. They are based on our faith and our ability to trust God to be faithful to His Word.
These are things such as peace, hope, and comfort. Things that we must seek God to experience the abundance of them.
- When we are in turmoil at work, we can seek Him for peace. This is His peace that will overcome anything we may be facing.
- When we feel hopeless in our ability we can turn to God and know that He is our hope because He is our strength and ability.
- When we face hard times we know that He can comfort us as we walk through the struggle.
God’s provision is not about earthly needs. Although there are times we need something and He will provide the means to meet the need. His provision is about strengthening our faith. It is about Him providing grace when we just can’t get over ourselves.
His provision is about forgiveness when we have sinned and fallen short of His glory. It provides a way for us to know the abundance of His grace as we walk in godliness with Him. These provisions give us the ability to produce fruit that others may need. The fruit of the Spirit, which is not tangible.
Did you say fruit???? I so love a good mix of fruit!!
This is not fruit that is grown on any tree. It is a fruit that is grown through a relationship with Jesus and following God’s word. We cannot work any job to obtain these fruits. These are only obtained through seeking to live a life with Jesus. They aren’t found on a shelf in a store nor are they purchased online. They are grown within our spirits as we walk a life of salvation.
Providing Fruit to Others
The fruit that we give others isn’t always a fruit salad in a pretty flowered bowl. Most of the time we are giving people fruit that isn’t even picked from a tree or vine. It is the fruit that we grow when we are in a relationship with Jesus.
When we abide in Jesus and allow Him to give us nutrients for godly living, we can grow all kinds of good fruits that others need. This fruit comes from seeking God and His Kingdom. These are the fruits of the Spirit.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. Galatians 5:22-26, CSB
To be able to provide this fruit to others is the greatest gift we can give. Sharing goodness and kindness can create hope for the hopeless. Spending time letting someone know they are valuable changes lives. God’s provisions become about others.
To obtain these provisions, there are only a few things that we are responsible for doing. Praying, reading, and listening to God are the only things we can do to gain this type of provision. Kindness isn’t on sale for $9.99 at Target. Joy won’t line the shelves on Black Friday. The only place we can find these is within ourselves. We don’t earn them, we learn them. We can’t sit idle and wait on them, we must make an effort to choose them.
When you are giving thanks for all the things you have, remember to be grateful for the provisions that we don’t always pick from the shelves. Someone is counting on those provisions to get them through a hard time.
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