Loving God Through Sharing

Hey there friends!! Can you believe we are almost done with the first half of 2023? It is perplexing how quickly time seems to fly by.
As I was pondering this thought I began to realize… we need to stop wasting time trying to figure out what the perfect ministry looks like. It’s time to stop wondering if you should wait until you feel like you are acceptable for the plans that God has for you. Friend… pick it up and do it! Be sure that you are following God’s will of course.. but stop waiting for man to give you the okay.
We often think of money when we talk about stewardship. We forget that this also includes our gifts and talents. God did not give us a passion for something just so we could sit and enjoy doing the things that we love. No way!!!! As a matter of fact…the gift isn’t even for us!!! That’s right folks…we are not the benefactor of the gifts/talents that God has placed within our souls.
I know that may sound a bit off…but honestly, our gifts were given to us for the sake of others. These gifts are to be used to show the goodness of God and how much He loves us. He wants us to do the thing that we do so that He can use it for His glory.
I once thought I needed to find out what others thought about the content I wrote…then I realized that it didn’t matter. When I worry about that, then I am getting myself in the way of what God wants to do with this passion for writing. The important thing about the writings is that God will get it to the person who needs it…no matter how I share…He will be sure to get to the right hands.
The Greek word for stewardship is oikonomia. This means the management of household affairs. So this lets me know that God wants me to be diligent in how I handle the gift He has given me. He doesn’t want me writing things that won’t encourage what matters…. He wants to see words of hope and life…and especially love.
That is why it is so important that we steward these gifts. He wants us to share His goodness so that others may know His love. Through the gifts, He is glorified. That is what the thing that we do is all about.
His gifts are good and perfect. They bring change and show the truth of His message. That is what our passions are about. They aren’t about how well we can do the things or how well we can “market” them. They are simply about sharing the love that will cause change. We can only walk in stewardship if we choose to share these gifts with others and not for our own gain.
Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father who created all the lights in the heavens. He is always the same and never makes dark shadows by changing. He wanted us to be his own special people,+ and so he sent the true message to give us new birth. James 1:17-18, CEV
Here are 4 ways you can use your gift to bring change to the lives of others.
- Before anything….pray! The best way to know what your gift is and where to send it is to get with God and let Him direct the process of using your gift. If you don’t know what your gift is then how will you know how to use it for His glory? Take time and follow the instruction of the Lord.
- Connect with the church staff. One of the best places to start using your gift is in the church. The staff is always willing to help you understand and develop your gift in a way that will edify others, reach people and glorify God
- Look for opportunities in the community. There are always places in the community that you can share and serve. Whether it is helping with a community event such as a kid’s day in the park or sponsoring a praise night, God will use the moments to touch hearts and change lives.
- Create a group that revolves around this gift. If you are gifted at worship then find a way to create a group that revolves around music and praising God. Maybe your group could create worship times in the park for your community once a month. If your gift is service gather people who are also gifted at serving and find ways to serve in your community, for instance, the local food bank would love to have extra hands.
These are just a few ways that you can develop and use your gifts in ways that God can be glorified while He changes lives and touches hearts.
It isn’t for us to decide who gets to receive the result of our gifts…it is for us to show stewardship and be diligent in practicing them.
Friend, take time, and allow God to direct your path for sharing your gift. Stewardship begins in the heart. A heart that loves God, will automatically love to share that love with others.
Happy stewarding my friend!
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