The Adulterous Woman Meets Jesus
We all know the story of the woman who was brought before Jesus to be judged and stoned. Her sin and lifestyle had caused others, Pharisees and Scribes, to judge her and condemn her. They placed the tag of unworthy on her forehead and decided her fate. Their belief held that the only thing she was worthy of was death. But God says differently!!
As I read this story again… I pondered, what do we know about this situation? What is the background of this event that is such a popular Bible Story?
Let’s start with what we DO know….
We know that Jesus had just come from the Mount of Olives down to the temple courts. He had started teaching when they approached Him with this woman. We also know that the Scribes and Pharisees began to quote the law to Jesus… Haa haa… I find it funny that they quoted Him the law trying to prove He was not the Messiah who came to do away with the law… but that is for another day!
In the law Moses commanded us to stone to death such women. What then do you say?” John 8:5, NET
Their goal in this was to expose Jesus as a fraud and false teacher supposedly.
Good luck with that y’all…
He simply knelt down and started writing in the dirt. What He wrote is speculation by all who read this. Some say He wrote down their sins while others believe He was writing the word “forgiven.” No matter what it was, it was something that played a part in this story. After hearing the questioning about the law Jesus stood and said…

“Whoever among you is guiltless may be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 8:7b, NET
Jesus returned to writing in the dirt and the woman stood there, more than likely with a tear-streaked face, awaiting her destiny. She probably knew what the law said as well and according to that law, she was more than likely preparing her mind and heart to face her upcoming death. But…….

Like a wind blowing dandelion seeds… one by one they slipped away. Not just in some willy-nilly order, but the older ones left first. This tells me that the ones who knew the law well and had grown up knowing what the Torah was were the first to realize…. Oops.. this isn’t happening today.
When it was just those two, Jesus and the woman, He stood and asked where did they go? Do they not continue to condemn you? (yes, I am paraphrasing). I am sure she had a slight smile as she said no.. or maybe her face showed concern that something else was coming. Ohhh sweet woman… there was something more to come… The forgiveness from the Messiah Himself!!
So, what is it about this situation that we don’t know for sure?
We don’t know how are where she was caught in adultery. Did someone bring her to the Pharisees? What if one of the Pharisees planned this whole thing by getting another man, or possibly himself, to enter into adultery with the woman? Wouldn’t that be a shame? Somewhere along the storyline, there had to be someone who “caught” her in this sin.
To be caught doing something, you have to be seen by someone. So what would that say about the person who reported her? One thing we know is that she unknowingly had a defender.
When I think about this part of the story it brings to my attention that there is nothing said about her defending herself. She didn’t offer any details about the situation… Why? Did she feel like there was no use in defending herself?
Reading this story makes us automatically think that it had just happened, but did it? Could it be possible that this incident happened days, weeks, or even months ago and they are just now using it as a way to get at Jesus?
This story isn’t really about the woman and the adultery situation… it’s about people wanting to destroy Jesus. Yet… He simply says… Forgiven
That is profound to me!!
This woman who people had deemed unworthy had become forgiven by Jesus. When faced with accusers she was redeemed by the Messiah. This is where we become just as she was… accused, forgiven, and redeemed.
Jesus went to the cross to defend us. He died on the cross for forgiveness. When others want to accuse us and cast stones, Jesus writes in the dirt and we are defended. Beautiful forgiveness…..
This is the definition of love. This removes the stains of our past and gives us a cleansed future. Redemption at its best.
We don’t hear anything else about this woman… but we do know that she met the goodness of God and more than likely shared that with others she came into contact with after this incident.
She went from condemned to forgiven, stained to clean, and cursed to blessed in one afternoon.
We can experience this just as she did… the cross leads us to the defender.
To know the forgiveness of the cross we must:
acknowledge the Savior
acknowledge His death
acknowledge His resurrection
acknowledge the forgiveness
Friend… there is no mess bigger than the forgiveness of Jesus.
You are God’s Beloved and He loves you more than your mess…..
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