As we walk on our journey with Christ and strive to follow His lead, we find ourselves desiring to be used. We want to make a difference in someone’s life, otherwise, what are we doing to further the Kingdom of God? Along the way, we make friends with people who may or may not be a believer. There was a time when I was taught that we have to stay away from them. It was not for us to be friends with anyone who did not believe in God. I am not so sure that is what God truly wants from us.

2 Corinthians 6:14 in the CSB reads, “Do not be yoked together with those who do not believe. For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
If we study the word “yoked” we find that this comes from the Greek words heteros, meaning not the same nature; and zugos, meaning to join or a coupling. So to be yoked means that you are coupled with someone not of the same nature, form, class, or kind. That sure sheds some light on this whole situation right? We must also understand that in this instance, nature refers to the characteristic of the person.
It took me a minute to wrap my brain around this in a way that I would understand what it was that Paul was trying to teach the people in Corinth. At first, most of us think about marriage. Honestly, that makes so much sense. I mean, really, we can see how partnering with someone who doesn’t believe could be detrimental to our beliefs or our relationship with Christ. But God kept me on this scripture for a bit this morning. I kept re-reading it and trying to fully understand what He was speaking to my spirit. Then it hits me..
It’s not just what it is saying, but it is also about what isn’t being said. God was asking me to think about this scripture. It was like He was wanting me to go into the depths with Him. A place where only He can bring out the innermost light of His Word. So I kept thinking, “okay Lord, I know that unequal means not the same, and I know that sometimes we are so influenced by the world that we lose sight of our relationship with you. What are you trying to show me.” I just felt like my mind was turning circles and I was about to just close my Bible and walk away.
Then, it clicks. Why? Why would you want us to refrain from being yoked to someone who is not of the same nature? I had to just stop trying to find it and ask why? He simply said I did not ask you to be best friends and partners with the lost, I asked you to share my love and hope with them. What an eye-opener!
Jesus dined with sinners, but He lived with His Apostles. This lets us see that partnering with believers is how we live; yet, dining with the lost is how we love.
Cyndi Kay, you always bless me with your words. You have such a gift and I know that the Lord smiles down on you every time you sit down at your laptop. Thank you for always being such an encouragement! LYATWTH
Awww.. Thank you so much Miss Joy!! I truly appreciate you and your kind words. Love you too!!!