The crowd that went ahead of him and that followed him was shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!” – Matthew 21:9, GWT
The week had started off with praises and shouts of joy. Singing and laying down palm leaves as the Messiah entered Jerusalem. Can you see the love in His eyes? A love for the people who were rejoicing as He entered the last city of His ministry. He rode in on a donkey knowing that He would leave as a King.
The shouts of the people carried a different tune on the day He entered the city. They were shouts that would resonate a feeling of acceptance and love. Yet, in the days to come, that would change. The hearts of the people would no longer ring out with praise.
Jesus knew what was to come. As He heard the shouts He knew what would happen in 5 days. Yet, with a love that we will never understand, He entered the city that would literally be the death of Him. At the same time, it was also the city that was the life of Him. That was why He entered with love in His heart.
Then, just as the prophecies had foretold, the week would end in death. The One they called the Messiah would be crucified and placed in a borrowed tomb. His body would be broken and bruised worse than a criminal’s. At the end of the week the people would be shouting “Crucify him.”
Oh, but three days later everything would change. Three days after His last breath, the Messiah would rise. He had done what He came to do. He had fulfilled the will of the Father. Even though He asked at one point for the cup to pass, the Messiah had walked the most obedient life of all mankind.
The tomb would be found empty. Those who loved and followed Him would come face to face with the truth of His words. They would see the Messiah in all His glory rise to sit on the right side of the Father. Hallelujah!!
Because He lives we can sing hallelujah! From Hosanna to Hallelujah. From accepted to scorned. From the cross to the grave. Jesus fulfilled each prophecy that had ever been spoken about the Messiah….. He is the Messiah who conquered death and the grave so that we may become the redeemed children of a Father that loves us beyond ourselves.
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