A World Forever Changed As Mary hears the angel speak of her pregnancy and birth we have to wonder; did she have a plan? What were her thoughts about the preparation of the arrival of Jesus? We have to look…
The Manger
Peace and Life The birth of a child is usually a time filled with chatter, excitement, and happy chaos. People are chattering and cooing over a sweet baby. It’s normal for the event to be surrounded by loud conversations. However,…
The Promise
The Gift That Keeps Giving We have made it to the last month of the year. December. The busiest month of the year. Shopping and travel. Gift giving and gathering. This is the month that so many people look forward…
Thankful for Grace
The busy time of year always leaves a person feeling undone. It seems as though there is so much to get done before each holiday. Food to be bought. Gifts to be wrapped. Of course, all of this happens while…
Gratitude For Others
Knowing God’s Love Through Them “Give thanks to the LORD because he is good, because his mercy endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34, GWT Thanksgiving is a time for gathering. We gather with family and friends in celebrating the blessings we…