Coming Soon!!!!

Throughout the year, I have been writing and editing a previous Bible study that I had written a couple of years ago. It is finally ready to be launched!!!
It has taken me quite a few years to find the confidence in who I am as a Daughter of God. In this confidence, I have learned that when God gives you gifts and talents, He does so for a reason.
He doesn’t give us a gift/talent and then wait for us to be good enough to use them. He doesn’t expect us to hide these until we are pretty enough, thin enough, rich enough, or accepted by the right crowd. He gives them to us so that we may step out in faith and use them in the process of building His Kingdom on earth.
When we decide to fully trust all that He has created within us and given us, then we can stand in that confidence and follow the simple commission of sharing His word and His love with others.
This whole process has been one of learning, frustration, patience, fear, and surrender…..
I came to the point where I simply took on the mindset of Exodus 33:15,
Then he said to Him, “If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here. (NASB)
When Moses was instructed to resume the journey in the wilderness!
For so long I wandered and keep waiting for the right time to use the gifts that God placed within me. I kept waiting to be accepted by certain people. I held back because I didn’t think I was good enough. I just knew that I was too old to do this thing.
But God!!!!!!!!
So now……..
I am so excited to share that on January 5, 2023, the Cornerstone Bible Study will officially be on sale!! There will be an exclusive price for the subscribers so be sure to get signed up for the newsletter!!!
I have been working on this project for the last few months and I am so excited to be able to share this study with you. This is the first one I have written and I am praying that it will give you the encouragement you need to begin building your foundation of faith.
It is a simple 4 part study that is designed to help you learn how to begin setting your foundation. We will talk about the process of learning what it is to live a lifestyle of salvation.
The study will consist of a workbook and a 4 part video series.
For those who are subscribers, there will be an exclusive Cornerstone Study Package!!
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