Tips for Guiding the Younger Generation

We as women look to one another in so many ways. On the one end, we are always comparing ourselves to other women. Then on the other end of the spectrum, we are locked arm in arm walking out this journey of Christian living. God designed us to live a life that includes others. He wants us to encourage one another and be each other’s cheerleaders! We should be mentoring each other instead of disheartening. He has called each of us to be a Godly mentor for other women. Even the mentor needs encouragement.
Be devoted to one another with mutual love, showing eagerness in honoring one another. Romans 12:10, NET
Learning to become a woman who mentors begins with understanding and being comfortable with who you are as a woman. It’s not about age it’s about sharing life. It’s about taking time to connect with another woman who may be experiencing something you have already walked through. That is being a Titus woman in a Babylon world, a world that is a counterfeit of God’s Kingdom. This is where you learn what is asked of a Godly mentor.
How do you become okay with being the you that God created?
This is the question that we all ask. Sometimes it is a daily struggle to overcome the negative thoughts we have about who we are. We see ourselves in the mirror and we automatically find reasons that we aren’t good enough to help another woman. This is where we begin to compare ourselves and allow the lie of not being good enough. Do not conform to this thought process. Instead, follow God’s instructions and transform your thoughts to focus on the pure, good, and holy things that He gives us.
Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God–what is good and well-pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2, NET
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things. Philippians 4:8, NET
God did not make a mistake when He made plans for your life. He knew before creation that you would be here in this moment, for such a time as this. Everything He does is done in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:1). His love for you is so much more than you can imagine and in this love, He has created you specifically for a reason. Being His beloved means that you are “fearfully and wonderfully” made (Psalm 139:14)
How do you know whether or not you can help her?

The answer to this question lies in the answer to another question. Have you gone through some stuff? It is pretty safe to say that yes… you have gone through some junk in this lifetime! From hurt to healing, we have all experienced something that will help a Sister get through her tough time. This is called having experiential knowledge. You have the knowledge because you experienced it. This is how you know you can be a Godly mentor.
Not only do you have this type of knowledge in experiences in life, but you also have the experience of knowing what God has done in your life. Both of these contain a plethora of ways to help your Sisters around you.
There is no textbook that will cover the situations we experience in life. We can read about them, but knowing how to navigate the emotional and spiritual journey is different for everyone. But even then we can share our journey with others in hopes that it will provide some insight for them. The main thing that we have that will be the best help is sharing our relationship with God.
Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2, NET
And do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for God is pleased with such sacrifices. Hebrews 13:16, NET
How do you find women to help?
The best way to find these Sisters is to either join a life/small group or create one. Life/small groups are designed to bring together people who have something in common. It is a place for encouragement and connection.
Creating a life/small group is quite simple and can open up doors for those who have been looking for connections. Your Church leadership can give you all of the information you need to start a life group for women who need mentoring.
Learn to do what is right! Promote justice! Give the oppressed reason to celebrate! Take up the cause of the orphan! Defend the rights of the widow! Isaiah 1:17, NET
Do not withhold good from those who need it, when you have the ability to help. Proverbs 3:27, NET
Each of you should be concerned not only about your own interests, but about the interests of others as well. Philippians 2:4, NET
Friend, there are so many of us that just need someone who understands and can share the love of God during the hard times. God’s word acknowledges that we will have struggles and trials. But His Word also says we can overcome them. Sometimes it takes others holding up our arms to defeat the enemy.
How do you know what God says about mentoring?
When it comes to knowing what God’s word says about mentoring we can read about it in Titus 2. God gives us mentoring instructions throughout the Bible, but Titus 2 is the biggest part of knowing how to lead younger women in Christian living.

The very first thing we are instructed in Titus 2 is to speak with sound teaching:
But as for you, communicate the behavior that goes with sound teaching. Titus 2:1, NET
The entire chapter focuses on how we should teach our younger women, men, and slaves. The last verse is the bookend we need to hold all of the instructions in place. God knows that when we try to share or teach we get in the flesh mindset of feeling like we are not knowledgeable enough to engage in being a mentor…God says otherwise:
So communicate these things with the sort of exhortation or rebuke that carries full authority. Don’t let anyone look down on you. Titus 2:15, NET
God gives each of us what we need to do as He has called. As older women, we are called to mentor the younger women in our communities. When we follow God we are enough. Following God is the only way to be a Godly mentor.
Here are a few resources about life/groups that you can use to explore the idea of starting one in your area.
How to Start a Women’s Small Group – Lifeway
Sarah Mae – How to Lead a Women’s Small Group
Church of the Highlands Leadership Development
Women’s Bible Study: Small Group Leader’s Handbook –
The Gospel Coalition — Women’s Ministry
Happy Mentoring my Friend….you are enough and you are worthy!!
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